Police Department

Livingston Police Department
Non-Emergency (209) 394-7916
Department Mission

Our mission is to provide professional law enforcement services intended to impact the quality of life, through commitment, education, and community partnership.

Department Description

The Livingston Police Department has the responsibility of preserving the peace, responding to law enforcement service requests and protecting life and property within the city limits. Police officers are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week to respond to calls for service, prevention of crimes, investigate criminal activity, apprehend suspects, investigate traffic collisions, and provide animal services. Officers conduct special investigations, gang suppression and training. These activities are supported by the professional staff; they perform dispatch services, crime analysis, effective records and evidence management and storage. The dispatch center is operated around the clock 365 days a year. On September 6, 2005, the City Council voted in Resolution 2005-98 to establish a policy of maintaining 1.5 officers per 1,000 residents.

The Livingston Police Department seeks to improve our relationship with the community through better communication and sharing our commitment to community policing. We look forward to providing proactive and innovative approaches to community problems. We value our employees and understand that they are the cornerstone of our department’s success. We recognize the diverse and unique contributions made by our businesses, residents and police employees in helping us to provide a proactive approach to public safety.

 The department has built a strong relationship with the schools within our community. Officers provide education programs at Livingston High School and Middle School. We currently have a School Resource Officer assigned to the high school.

The Police Department is the largest General Fund department in the City, employing 34 full time sworn and professional staff personnel. In addition to the full time employees, there is a part time dispatcher, one reserve officer and one volunteer. The department has a full time chief, two lieutenants, three sergeants, three corporals, one detective, one intelligence officer, and eleven patrol officers. Full time professional staff consists of five dispatchers, one animal services officer, one police services assistant, one records assistant, one evidence and special projects officer, one director of professional services and one executive assistant to the chief.

The Police Department is divided into an Operations Division and Administrative Division.

Operations Division: This division is the largest division in the police department and has 18 full time officers assigned to it with a Lieutenant overseeing the division. It is responsible for patrol (crime suppression and calls for service), school resource officer, animal services, police reserves, detective bureau, gang suppression, narcotics enforcement and intelligence.

Administrative Division: This division has 14 officers and professional staff assigned to it. It is divided into three bureaus:

  •  Administrative Bureau: This bureau is led by a Lieutenant and is responsible for ethics and standards, policy development, training, budget projections, special projects and evidence.
  • Records and Dispatch Bureau: This bureau is led by the Director of Professional Services and oversees the dispatch center, records management, CAD system and 911 protocols.
  • Chief’s Office: This bureau consists of the Executive Assistant to the Chief. This position currently is responsible for all correspondence from the Chief, in car camera system and the police computer system.

Goals and Performance Measures

  • Goal: Suppress gang activity in the City of Livingston.
    • Increase Department Gang database
    • Increase the number of field contacts
    • Increase the number of arrests for gang activity
  •  Performance Measure: Gang activity is suppressed
  • Goal: Reduce the number of burglaries in the City of Livingston.
    • Increase the number of field contacts during early morning hours
    • Increase the number of contacts during non school hours
    • Aggressively seek out truants and return to school or probation
  • Performance measure:Burglaries are reduced.
  • Goal: Reduce the flow of narcotics in Livingston.
    • Place an officer in the narcotic task force
    • Allow the officer freedom of shift to develop intelligence
    • Increase number of narcotics arrests
  •  Performance Measure: Narcotic traffic has slowed.
  • Goal: Reduce graffiti related problems.
    • Work with Public Works department to install cameras around the city in strategic locations.


  • Performance Measure: Graffiti will decline.

 If you have Questions, Thoughts or Suggestions

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